like me, has completely accepted our situation and is beautiful. Al- ready our relationship is so much deeper and broader based.
I am pleased to say that we have no need now for Penthouse or other such publications since you have met all our needs. I especially like your statement urging cross dressers to be mature in their ex- pressions to grow in it—not just live entirely in phantasy.
Again, believing that credit should be given where credit is justly due, I thank you (we both do) for your efforts on behalf of others and ourselves. And we pray that our Lord will bless you and those close to you and continue to bring meaning, purpose and joy into your life.
Dear Virginia,
Thank you for sending me the copy of The TV and His Wife. My wife and I got more from your book, so far, than we did from the past half dozen shrinks. Thank you very much for this!
I want to keep this short, I know you're very busy. Basicly, I want to sincerely thank you for your books, materials and Tri-Sigma. I still can't believe there are other TV's out there. I am, for the first time in my 34 years, beginning to accept my self for what I am. I have you to thank for this and not my expensive shrinks. I am really enjoying learning to live with my self and family the way I am. Thank you! Keep up the excellent work and please let me know if I can do any- thing to help you in advancing "our" cause. I'm not even a member of Tri-Sigma yet, but I feel as if I've known everybody for years.
Thank you once again-hope to hear from you soon, I remain-
P.S. How's that for a femmename! My wife's idea!!!